Reiki Event Collab with Bergner Acupuncture

Presented by The Mindful Bird in Collaboration with Maddie Bergner at Bergner Acupuncture in Denver, Colorado on the Spring Equinox, March 2022

The Energy of the Spring Equinox

The spring time is an awakening from the winter slumber. The days are noticeable longer and with increased daylight, naturally comes increased cortisol and activity. This can be a challenging transition for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere as moving forward into more energy can feel demanding or pressuring after settling into the cozy vibes of the winter season.

Reiki and Acupuncture are beneficial to awakening the body’s energy systems to provide better flow as our bodies feel the natural demand through increased daylight. 

Maddie Bergner and I wanted to support community connection and energy transitions in coming out of hibernation. At this event, Maddie taught on the energies that are important to supporting the spring awakening through a Chinese Medicine perspective. 

Energetically, spring is associated with growth and expansion. This growth is rooted in the energy accumulated during the more inward times of the winter season. Waking up from winter hibernation and engaging in growth can sometimes be challenging, agitating, and difficult to get through. Think of a budding flower, it takes a plant a lot of consistent water and sunlight to convert energy into production of this flowering after being dormant in winter. 

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, the energy of spring is associated with anger or frustration as we emerge into increased demands of energy exertion. Anger and frustration are psycho-somatic emotions or energies that are said to be processed through the liver. From Acupuncture Today, “when the liver energy is in balance we are able to make decisions and follow through with our creative visions. This is a great time of year to begin new projects, new growth, and expansion. When the liver energy is deficient we may lack the ability to make decisions or follow through with them” (Source). Living cyclically with the seasons of your geographical location can impact our well-being and therefore the expression of our character or energy. Spring is such a vital time for increased support because if we have stagnation or blockages coming into the emerging season, we can feel behind as we move into the heat of summer when things really start to get rolling.

Acupuncture and Reiki Event Outline

Maddie and I supported our community by asking them to inquire about their personal goals for the emerging season and gentle steps that would support their actions. Attendees were then lead through a guided meditation followed by acupuncture points in the arms, legs, and head.

Erin visited each person to support the opening of the energy meridians in the body stimulated by the acupuncture points from Maddie. The goal was to create and grounding sensation for creativity through the root and sacral centers. Additionally, some attendees received support in releases through the right arm or conceptions of ideas and connection through the crown. 

After, we gathered for tea, snacks, and some deep community connection. It was really lovely to gather together and support each other in a transitional time. The goal was to allow clients to leave the event as the sun was setting to support their melatonin release for a restful nights sleep. Our community was able to start their spring season with a platform of support and to be honest, I had once of the easiest transitions myself. 

Post-Event Reflections

Spring is definitely an uncomfortable time for me in years past, 2022 was certainly more graceful. 

From this point, I also started regular acupuncture with Maddie on a bi-weekly basis which has been incredibly beneficial to my own personal healing in down-regulating my nervous system from the stress and demand of my nursing job.

Interested in attending an event with The Mindful Bird?

Keep an eye out for additional Reiki and Acupuncture events in Denver by visiting our Group page or The Mindful Bird Eventbrite. 


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